really good love you


2014年06月13日 16:28

Jie is a boy from a pock-marked, class actively, make strange action, making faces make you laugh, sometimes in the palm of the hand painted with colorful, dirty, sometimes his face when the canvas, crayons to draw to draw, make cat face dog face, and deliberately take others brush, graffiti, and paper, provoked a classmate a whistle. Actually looks like this discipline bad kids, is each class, different levels, but most of the time they are in order to attract the attention of others, feeling everyone laugh, very satisfied. More such children will directly affect the whole classroom atmosphere and teaching effect. So that the child is a teacher more attention or nagging discount designer brands.
Class, xuan was a child, what all don't want to do in class, just to play, and adjacent students playing, playing on your own, is not a picture, a lesson to his table reminded several times, also not line, then on to gouache class, the pigment in the small tin pipe let his interest, he actively with the tool, every time set the gouache pens and small cloth, small irrigation water bucket ready, with carefully in class, blowing, rubbing, lesson time gouache is blow molding paper prints, paint blend of painting, and leaf veins rubbings. In another way it seems that he is very interested in, isn't it just would like to have enough for a meal, want to change a kind of taste.
In the class and call peng of children, outgoing personality, is a bold and provocative in belong to in the class, talk to the teacher have unconvinced. Class exercises follow one's inclinations, criticism is not change. Until a craft lesson, he done fast and well, also very creative, strongly praise, and afterwards peng usually do at home by hand to the classroom to the teacher, to the students, and become the lectures in class, and teacher exchanges also mature, like suddenly grown up, sensible. Everyone has his own strengths hobby, find will enter a new growth stage.
Also a child named jia xuan, with watermelon, speak in class, not serious, often without tools, until a copy, didn't speak for the whole class is, in painting, he afraid waste of time. He had a favorite anime characters portrayed as lifelike lifelike, see his meticulous carefully, I immediately sit up and take notice, once upon a time big impression. All the children have their own little universe, just to have early night.
And Wei Xing children, feverishly like insects, recess always catch all kinds of insects in the campus, in a box, bottle play in class, or even a classroom full of flying in the classroom, everybody yelling out, criticized the also don't listen to, he sat in the front row, side of the body, disturb the back of the classmates. In fact he is a good child, in a grade had painted a picture great insects, later classes would not began to draw. Play in between painting and play with insects, insect to draw more fascinated him. Heard that also in class tow. If both can promote, it would be great.
One by the name of the little girl, like drawing very much. Had a weekend like that can be used to give me a thick stack of picture, see the picture carefully clean lines, gorgeous color, how much time to spend the weekend, the time to study or others, or others playing time. Philippine this kind of love is pure, she is a girl who really like to draw, and draw really well.
To see picture of children on the circumference, some would say, she write English, math exam. Discourse is laughing at her full, she also very embarrassed, I touch her head, Philippines to learn good. So, I will often ask her alone at recess, recently wrote a good point, test how, at home memorize more words, poems, have no matter to do exercises. Said to her, to learn to learn better, paint again, don't let painting influenced the learning.
For some time, she gave me to read less, I think is more time to study, or because I emphasized the study, she has a little gap, let her feel, I like parents don't understand her. But I can feel that, if a child would not let her like drawing pictures, don't like to do is really very sad. Also, a bosom friend like people don't like communication, also very sad. However, many things are necessary.
vintage tube Such as learning, must do. Only the knowledge, keep up the farthest far, can have a wide development of heaven and earth. Such as reading, is a growing need, a man's wit always has its limitations, can break through this wall that read, learn new good ideas, rich knowledge, can improve level and state.
Besides, tacky, good good study, test a relevant painting school in the future, do the painting career, to support themselves while doing their favorite thing to do, is a happy thing.
In children, many parents cultivate children learning to paint. In fact, some children are born like painting, or good at. The day after tomorrow can be training, such as skill. In painting, skills is part of the work, but for the sake of skills and learning skills, is putting the cart before the horse. Performance of driving force must be preceded the skills of learning and performance driven force is stronger, is the pursuit of skills complete driving force.
Her child is like painting, like painting beautiful dress princess, gorgeous and elegant, painted lines accurate speed. Her children like good things, from the chaos in the pad on the balls of her own often many colorful card hairpin, a look of his card, a look she is beautiful love. But she often twisted bow our body to body, to sit cant stand. I said, stand up straight and tall and straight, have a princess temperament. Stand were standing posture. Remind when seated, a moment shavings and prone on the table. May be a habit for a long time, she'll be feels very tired sit straight stand up straight, back to the prototype. School family responsible for children, to make the children grow up better. By one party alone is no regulations of good habits. The good in the world, and everyone like it, I think she will be beautiful in the future, because of her beauty.
All the children are in the public within the scope of the intelligence quotient, is clever boy, same on both ends of the exceptions are rare. There is a gap when learning, and many times is associated with attitude, habits. If of interest, said that only interested to get the kids to love learning, is unlikely. Persistent practice learning boring repeatedly, taste the fun of learning bully is always a few people, for many children, learning is to must occur. Many things, not don't like can't do something no matter you like or don't like to have to do. No rules no fangyuan? When our part of the job done, after efforts, do like to have capital, in order to be rewarded.
Every individual has a different differences, also do not need to compare. Each have each individual character, strengths, if a stronger, after the incentives of high demand, may be able to play I might never realize that potential. If a weakness, and their ratio, strive for the progress again. After the efforts of every little progress, are worthy of appreciation and praise is greatly alexander hera.